Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Okay so hello again everyone! I hope everyone had a good long weekend and remembered those who have fought for this country yesterday. 

In history class we have been working on this thing with Smithsonian Quests in order to try and earn a badge. I am working on getting my Correspondant badge and in order for me to get this badge I need to work on one of these quests that requires me to write a journal entry in blog form about a historical event that I have witnessed so here we go...

When I was in sixth grade I rememeber the day when President Obama was inaugurated. I was in my homeroom class and my history teacher had the inaugration playing on the TVs in all four of the classrooms. We had spent weeks and weeks going over what was going to happen and what the future president was going to say as he was becoming the president of the United States of America. We talked about past inaugrations of other presidents. My teachers seemed excited and happy that we got to witness this important moment in history. I will never forget what my class was like as we watch the president become the President. We were all tired seeing as we were so young but the teachers were excited and they seemed to know that histotry was being made as we were watching the television. My sixth grade class was not so awear that history was being made but I'm sure they still rememeber what happened and when they are older I am sure that they will tell there grand children that they witnessed a very important moment in history.

Okay so that was the diary entry and also the other day in history we started to review what we have learned on the flipped classroom and I felt that that went pretty well and today we worked on our badges.

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