Thursday, September 6, 2012

3 objects that discribe me


 If I had to describe myself by choosing 3 objects most like me I would probably say that on the top of the list would be my iPod. I love music and I love to sing and in the past I played the saxophone. My iPod has many different types of music each one very different from the last. It describes me because I like many different things. Just looking through the different genres of music you can see that I have a huge range of what I listen to. I have country music and then I have pop music like Katey Perry, Taylor Swift, and The Band Perry. Then there’s really weird music that I don't know anything about.

Another object that I would compare myself to would be a book. I almost always am reading a book. Like me it’s a quiet activity and I'm really quiet...sometimes. A book tells a story I tend to tell some pretty weird stories a lot. It seems like something crazy always happens when my family gets together or goes on a vacation. I just tell my life story like a character in a book.

The last object I would use to describe myself would be a pair of shoes or sneakers. I've traveled to many places like Ireland and I've camped all over the place. A pair of shoes does the same thing. Where ever you go your shoes go. They travel all over the place, to school, to work, to a business meeting in Iceland where ever. You wear them to go hiking and to go bike riding and I love to do those things too. 


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