Saturday, September 15, 2012


The last two days in class we did a lot of different activities. One activity that we did was we got into groups and took notes on different topics and people. From this activity I learned many different things. We learned that not everyone who signed the constitution agreed on how they thought the government should be. For example there were some people who wanted the people to vote and have a say in who represents the government like, George Mason and James Wilson. Other people like Roger Sherman and Charles Pinckney believed that the people should not have a say in the government. Charles Pinckney felt that the people didn’t know anything about government and they should not even be allowed to make any decision about the government. Other people like Elbridge Gerry thought that the people didn’t want it for the reasons they said they did so instead he suggested that the people can appoint representatives but the state makes the final decision. In the end they gave everyone a little bit of what they wanted. Most points in the government today have the people voting for who they want to represent them. All the states have equal votes no matter what the size of the state. Many people couldn’t agree on anything so they ended up compromising on many topics, all these compromises formed the legislative branch.   

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