Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sited works for my documentary

Sited Works!
"Frederick Douglass." 2013. The Biography Channel website. Jun 09 2013, 04:15
Lee, Harper, and Sally Darling. To Kill a Mocking Bird. N.p.: Recorded, 1988. Print.
"Paul Revere." 2013. The Biography Channel website. Jun 09 2013, 04:14
"Sitting Bull." 2013. The Biography Channel website. Jun 09 2013, 04:17
Picture Websites:
"Frederick Douglass." 2013. The Biography Channel website. Jun 09 2013, 04:15
"Frederick Douglass." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 06 Sept. 2013. Web. 09 June 2013.
"Fysheroes." Fysheroes. N.p., 4 Mar. 2011. Web. 09 June 2013.
"Paul Revere Statue and Old North Church - Photo by Anonymous | Viator." Paul Revere Statue and Old North Church - Photo by Anonymous | Viator. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 June 2013.
"Paul Revere." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 06 Sept. 2013. Web. 09 June 2013.
"Sitting Bull." 2013. The Biography Channel website. Jun 09 2013, 04:17
"Sitting Bull." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 09 June 2013.

"To Kill a Mockingbird Staged in Fort Wayne This April « The Fort Wayne Insider." To Kill a Mockingbird Staged in Fort Wayne This April « The Fort Wayne Insider.N.p., n.d. Web. 09 June 2013.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

What Does it Mean to be an American? A documentary...

Reflection and proof of my badge completion


     Reflection on this badge: For history we had to do this quest for Smithsonian. In this we had to complete tasks in order to earn a badge. The badge that I earned was the correspondent badge. I didn't enjoy this project. To earn this badge I had to write a lot of journal entries and I had to get a lot of pictures of the web of the presidential inauguration. I did not like doing this project mostly because there was so much that I had to do and I had to write a lot of journal entries on things that I didn't really know that well about. I had to write my account of what I was thinking when President Obama was first inaugurated. I was only in sixth grade when this happened and I really don't remember what happened that day. They said in the quest that I should try to write about peoples expressions that they had when they were watching it on television but I really don't remember much about what everyone in my class looked like as they were watching it. I only remember that my history teacher came in cheating that we were all paying attention to the television and she always talked about how this moment was very important for history. So anyways ya, I didn't really enjoy this project that much but I did earn my correspondent badge.

Notice of Badge Completion

Issued to: cabbycaiters12
Badge issued by: Smithsonian Quests
Badge awarded by: 10th Grade
Badge Issuer Contact:
Issued on: May 30, 2013
Also issued to: 8 others

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Hello again! I continuously forget to blog and that is really bad so I actually remembered to do this tonight which is great! Anyways on Monday we had a half day and we didn't have class and today we worked on our integrated projects that are due next week. What this project is is we have to pair up with people and then we create a guide to living in America during the time of the Westward Expansion. During this time there were many immigrants who came to America to farm the land in the west. Our job is to take one group of immigrants that came to the U.S. and to write a guide to help them get used to living in the United States.  

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Okay so hello again everyone! I hope everyone had a good long weekend and remembered those who have fought for this country yesterday. 

In history class we have been working on this thing with Smithsonian Quests in order to try and earn a badge. I am working on getting my Correspondant badge and in order for me to get this badge I need to work on one of these quests that requires me to write a journal entry in blog form about a historical event that I have witnessed so here we go...

When I was in sixth grade I rememeber the day when President Obama was inaugurated. I was in my homeroom class and my history teacher had the inaugration playing on the TVs in all four of the classrooms. We had spent weeks and weeks going over what was going to happen and what the future president was going to say as he was becoming the president of the United States of America. We talked about past inaugrations of other presidents. My teachers seemed excited and happy that we got to witness this important moment in history. I will never forget what my class was like as we watch the president become the President. We were all tired seeing as we were so young but the teachers were excited and they seemed to know that histotry was being made as we were watching the television. My sixth grade class was not so awear that history was being made but I'm sure they still rememeber what happened and when they are older I am sure that they will tell there grand children that they witnessed a very important moment in history.

Okay so that was the diary entry and also the other day in history we started to review what we have learned on the flipped classroom and I felt that that went pretty well and today we worked on our badges.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

News Paper Artical

So for history we have to answer one of these questions that we were given in this packet and write an artical for it so here it goes...

"How have the Haitians responded to the presence of U.S. Marines in their country?"

Yesterday's news today!!
  Hello and thank you for reading yesterday's news today, as most Americans know we have an increasing amount of troops down in Haiti as of right now. One of our jobs here at the newstaation is to ask the hard questions, so we asked the question, how do the Haitians feel about the U.S. presence in their country. We know the American's view of this whole thing but what are the reactions of the other country. According to a letter sent from Charlemagne Peralte there are many who don't like it at all. In this letter he is criticizing  the help that the U.S. is trying to give them.
  In his letter he talks about how on December 17th, 1914 the U.S marines went to Haiti and moved the gold that was in the gold reserves. Then A few months later they came again claiming that they wanted to protect foreign lives and property. They put Port au Prince under another law and began to make a Haitian militia. In his letter he even called President Wilson as a "hypocrite"! These people just don't see that our nation is trying to help them. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Today in class we talked about the Monroe Doctrine and the Roosevelt Corollary  We got into groups of five or six and we took out key words and summarized the paragraph that we got of the Roosevelt Corollary.   We then put this into our own words and then got together as a class and took notes on each section that each group had. Yesterday in class we looked at political cartoons about the Panama Canals and we summarized Roosevelt's speech he made about the Panama Canal.   

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The last two days in class we have talked about "yellow journalism". This was and still is a type of writing style. When newspapers were actually read they would have titles to a story  that would make you want to read the article. An example would be that a bride went missing. One  newspaper's title was BRIDE GONE MISSING!! Another would be BRIDE MISSING: GROOM'S FAMILY REPORTS SHE HAS A HISTORY OF MENTAL ILLNESS. Which one would you rather read? The first on is strait to the point. The other has a little bit of extra information in it. The only problem about the second title is that it is only reporting one side of the story the groom's family's side. In class we created our own titles to articles that we read and taped them all around the room. Today we walked around the classroom and read all of the classes and we decided on which one we thought were the best in groups of three. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Oops!!! I forgot to blog Friday!!! Anyways, on Thursday we read about two very important Native American Chiefs. We talked about Red Cloud and Sitting Bull. We read about the important battles that they  lead against America. We also talked about the battle of Little Big Horn. I can't really remember what else we talked about because it was on Friday but we talked about some other stuff that they were involved in that was important. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hello there everyone!!!! I haven't blogged in a very long time mostly because I keep forgetting to which is really bad I know because you all want to read about what happens in my history class right? Hahaha any ways today we went to the computer lab and we worked on our 16%  projects which is just when we work on these projects and it is with the Smithsonian it was interesting to say the least. Anyways yesterday we worked on this other activity in which we were all in groups and then one person from each group was put into the middle of the room which was called "the fishbowl" and they had this discussion about weather or not this certain Native American tribe should have been forced to leave their homes. We came to the conclusion that no, it was not fair for them to be moved. We also talked about how the president, Andrew Jackson, should have been impeached because what he was doing was unconstitutional but he still went ahead knowing full well that what he was doing was unconstitutional. The reason that he was not impeached was because he had the support of the legislative branch and they were all on his side, because of this they never impeached him due to the fact that he was agreeing with what they wanted.    

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Oregon Trail Game

Just a heads up this game is very simple. Also its easy to cheat so don't!!!!!! So It's not the best game just so everyone knows....

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Today in class we learned about sod houses. We did three activities, the first one that my group did was we smelt what a sod house would smell like. Personally it didn't smell that bad and I'm sure that if you lived in these house you would get used to it over time. The second activity that we did was we went into a rectangle that was taped onto the floor and we had to determine where we would have the stove where we would eat and where the sleeping area was. This was difficult to figure out because it was a very small space and there were five people. There was just barely enough room for everything that was needed. In the winter it would not be fun because you would be stuck in this little house with nothing that fun to do. The next place we went was to the picture area where we took our picture but the problem was that we had to stay in place for one minute which was very hard to do when people are trying to make you laugh. The last thing we did was as a class. We turned the lights off and because they wouldn't have electricity there wouldn't be much to do. Then we had some pop corn which was yummy. Over all I feel like I would go out of my mind after about 5 seconds of living out on the prairie if I lived during that time I would probably be the person who abandoned ship to live in the city.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hello again everyone. So today in class we talked about the manifest destiny. This is the belief that God wanted America to move westward. Our goal in class today was to answer some questions about a quote and then we had to create a skit answering some questions that were on the board for us to copy down. The skits were... interesting we only had about five minutes to put them together and even then most of us didn't finish them. Yesterday in class we got into groups of three and we read about the Erie Canal and what it was. Then we came back from lunch and we played this game which wasn't really a game it was more like a game that we didn't get to play instead we got to take notes on it! Yey! that's the best. Okay I'm being a Debbie Downer, it wasn't that bad it just consisted of me taking notes which is boring ha ha  Anyways I got over it So that was today and yesterday for history all wrapped up in a nut shell. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

So today in class we had a substitute and we had to read these sheets about the Oregon trail. I learned some things such as the fact that because there were not that many trees around and due to the increasing number of travelers on the Oregon Trail, what little wood was available was used up. Due to this they had to collect...buffalo dung. It sounds nasty right? Ya I would agree with you there. That wasn't the worst part though, the children would actually take pellets that they found and they would toss them around. I understand that it was a substitute to wood for a fire and it didn't stink but still...just gross...  I also learned that many children died because they got run over with a wagon wheel. Also, everyone wanted to leave at once and this caused congestion and traffic jams on the trail. Some who were on the trail didn't even know how to control the oxen because they never had to do it before. When it came to bedtime for them they often feel asleep on the ground because of how tired they were from the long journey. It was about 2000 miles long and many illnesses were a problem for the travelers. It seemed like a very long and painful journey to make I don't think that I would have survived that if I had to go on it.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hello everyone. Yesterday in class we got into groups of 2-3 people. We read this short document and we had to come up with a slogan, an icon, and a poem about this event. This is all connected to the war of 1812 because during this time the national anthem,  "The Star Spangled Banner", was created. Also during this war  there were many slogans that kept the troops going, things like "Don't give up the ship" and others. I found this to be an extremely difficult task; coming up with a slogan and a poem. The image was easy to do which was good. The article that my group had to read was about the Native Americans and their role during this war. Our slogan was "Save the Beavers" because they fought in the Battle of the Beaver Dam. Our image was a picture of a man. Our poem was about the struggle that the head Native American had to deal with. He wanted to unite all the Native American tribes to fight against the Americans. This was a difficult task because all the different tribes spoke a different language which was hard to figure out how to speak all of the different languages. Today we presented our slogans, poems, and images (everyone who didn't present yesterday) and then we talked a little bit about the curse that the head Native American placed on all the presidents who were elected in a year ending with zero and how they died in office. Mr. Boyle listed off all of the presidents who were affected by this and it was very interesting to think about. Tomorrow I will post the picture that we drew I can't post it now do to the short amount of time that we had at the end of class.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Hello people!!!! So today in class we got into groups and tried to decide what the event that caused the war of 1812 was. I was in the group of impressment. I can see how people would think that this is what the reason for the start of the war. I thought this at first but after hearing what all the other groups had to say I changed my mind. I instead felt that I should change my group to be in the group that said that the most important factor that caused the war was the Orders in Council. This affected the whole country not just one single group of people. It affected everyone. My original group was impressment which is when the English Navy needed men for the war and they basically drafted men into the Navy. Most of the men who were placed into the English Navy weren't even from England. I felt that this was a large issue but compared to the fact that their economy went downhill extremely fast because Britain said that no one could trade with France. Anyways I really feel that this is the main issue that caused the war of 1812 to begin.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The spring of 1963

Myebook - The Spring of 1963 - click here to open my ebook
So today in class we went the lab to work on the project that is due at midnight to night. Yesterday we did the same thing. Tomorrow we are going there as well to work on something...exactly what that is I don't know at the present time. Anyways, I'm going to go ahead and end this post so that I can actually finnish the history project now. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

In class today we discussed the black panther party and we talked about what we are going to have to do for the rest of the year. On of them is the flipped classroom where we have to do our class work at home and we have more time for discussions during class. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

So we didn't have class on Tuesday due to snow day so I'm writing tonight instead of last night. On Monday we got into groups and we answered some questions on them. Then we got into another group and discussed the different documents that we had and answered more questions about our reading. Today this is what we finished up and then we watched the I have a dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr. After this we talked about Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Today in class we took notes on the freedom rides. Then we began a movie about them we however did not get to finish it because the bell rang. Yesterday we took some more notes about another topic that has to do with the civil rights movement in the 1960's. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Okay wow I completely forget to blog for the longest time! I don't actually have to blog tonight but I wont be home tomorrow until very late and one i don't want to do it then and two I will probably forget to do it at that time. Anyways history class. Today we talked about whether or not segregation was still a problem and we read this article about this place in Louisiana where there was a segregation issue. Mostly for the past few days and the past week this is what we have been talking about; segregation. We talked about Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks and why they were able to open peoples eyes about what was really going on. We also watched a documentary about the murder of Emit Till and it was really sad and the day that we watched it was also my birthday and so that made my day a little worse but it was interesting to watch and it was really sad and that kid is what helped get the ball rolling.

Friday, March 1, 2013

We didn't have class today because we had a half day but we had class yesterday and we got into groups of four or five. We wrote a diary entry in the perspective of on of the people in a case in 1931ish i don't remember what its called but it was important. My group had Ruby Price if anyone knows what the case that she was in is. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Yesterday in class we got into groups and completed a packet and then went over it as a group. Today we looked at some poems that talked about the south and the north and how the south was harsh and it was unfair to African Americans and how the north was kinder than the south. Then we listened to four pieces of music and looked at some art that was created by African Americans who left the south and went to the north during the period of time known as the great migration.

Monday, February 25, 2013

We had vacation last week so I don't really know what exactly we did the last class but today we started to talk about the new section that we are going to be doing. We are moving into the civil rights section. At the beginning of the class we had just come from an assembly and we talked a little bit about it. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The last two days in class we have just talked about what we are going to be doing for our projects. We draw a picture explaining whether or not Reconstruction was successful. We draw images on the board and then we video tape it and speed it up so that it looks like you are drawing really really fast. Then you tape your voice over it talking so as you speed the video up you are talking at the same time. This is too hard to try and explain so forget it it’s an RSA Animate-style product.

Also happy Valentine’s Day tomorrow everyone!!! :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The last two days in class we have taken notes on a power point. Today we talked about a project that is going to be due next week which is going to be fun... I hope and we watched a short clip about it. I honestly don't know exactly what happened in class except that we took notes and talked about the project that is going to be due on Monday of next week.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I forgot to blog on Friday so I'm going to do that now. On Friday we read a document I think I can't really remember that well but I know it was about a dead president who never went to school and he was impeached but wasn't kicked out of office. He took over for Lincoln when he was killed. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hello everyone so yesterday in class we got into groups and we created a wicked cool magazine cover we also watched a short video about what African Americans could now do because the civil war had ended. Today we were in the same groups for the most part and we got to COLOR!!!!!!!!! XD if you've ever colored you know what i'm talking about =] and we also had to answer questions which lets be honest were not even close to how much fun coloring is. So that was what we did in history ;D

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hello everyone who read this blog...there probably aren't many but hello to everyone. Today in history class we went to the lab and we worked on the computers. We looked at some pictures of towns that had not had a good time during the war and the aftermath that was left was horrible  Many of the pictures showed a ton of fallen buildings and people who didn't know where to go or what to do. We then looked at a political cartoon and answered questions about what we saw in the picture. 

Last week I took the "what Winnie the pooh character are you" quiz and if anyone wants to find out who they are here is the link...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

So I took the quiz and surprisingly I got piglet! I think that it's a little funny 'cus I actually forgot about him. I think that I got him because yes I am often really shy and quiet and I don't always come out of my shell until I know someone really well. Also I tend to second guess my self a lot. The only thing that I can say is that I guess I'm not an eyesore =]

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hello! So we have to blog about what person, if we were in the Winnie the pooh books, we would be. Personally I feel that I would be Eeyore just because I'm not really always the most happiest person in the world--ESPECIALLY not in the morning. In the website we have to look at to see what character we would be it says Eeyore looses his tail a lot... I don't have a tail but I am almost always loosing or misplacing something. It also says that he cares about his friends which is true =). Tomorrow I will take the quiz and find out what the quiz thinks I am!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Today we had our F and E period exams and I had the history midterm last today! I'm so glad mid terms are over now! It was a fair test if you people really care about this stuff :) anyways it's over now and I am so happy. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

We didn't have history class today due to midterms and half days!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Pictures of the Day!!!! 30th picture!

So ya neither of these pictures were taken today sorry about that I felt like being lazy and also I just wanted to finish this thirty day trial already. So enjoy these I may post some random pictures at random points in the future so be prepared! =] 

Hello everyone! So we reviewed for midterms today and yesterday the entire sophomore class presented our projects on what cause we are committed to. It was an interesting experience, it was quite crazy in the library and not everyone was able to see all of the projects. Everyone that I saw did a very good job and it shows that everyone put a lot of time and effort into this project.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pictures of the day!!

For the past two days we have been finishing up our studies on the civil war. Yesterday we took notes on how the war ended at the Appomattox Court House, VA. Lee surrendered the confederate army to the Union. They had too little men and they were running out of supplies. Today in class we took the civil war test and we are now going to be moving on to focusing on the mid-term exams. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Pictures of the Day!!


I sometimes wish I was a dog because this is what I would do all day no lie :] 

Thursday I believe and to today we did stuff in class...obviously. Today we took notes on a power point and we watched a movie about the Emancipation Proclamation and about an important military man. Then in the last like 5 minutes of class after we thought there was going to be no quiz after all, Mr. Boyle decided to just make us do it right then and as the bell was ringing I realized I forgot a line and scribbled down the wrong line of the Gettysburg address. So that is what we did this lovely day!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pictures of the Day!!!!!!! Enjoy!

The new year has started and I have decided that I'm going to try and blog without forgetting for the rest of the year! Thank you thank you I know it's a great resolution. In other news yesterday, January 1st, was the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation!!!! Yey! Exciting stuff, right? So if you haven't already guessed we talked about this document today along with information on Lincoln's most famous speech, the Gettysburg Address. So that is all we did today and we also watched a brief movie that was only two minutes long that restated the Gettysburg Address.